Centro Analisi CAIM can support wine-making companies in each process of the production chain, from vineyard to the final product, providing trustable results in very fast times.
We perform specialistic analyses on:
Cultivation Analyses
The laboratory offers support to the customer starting from the management of vineyard, grapes, and musts quality by providing the following services:
- Soil analysis and characterisation, with possible related fertilizing plan
- Leaves diagnosis through the analysis of micro- and macro elements
- Technology and phenolic maturity of grapes
- Determination of contaminants such as residues of pesticides and heavy metals
- Microbiological analyses for wine-making control and to verify the presence of undesired microorganisms
- Yeasts isolation
- Fermenting processes control
- Polyphenols
- Wine tests

Product Analyses
The laboratory is able to provide a full service on the final product as for wine analyses, and it also offers the following services:
- Basic physical-chemical characterisation
- Organoleptic analysis
- Detection of olfactory defects, including volatile phenols, anisoles, geosmine, guaiacol
- Allergens (sulphites, casein, ovalbumin, lysozyme, beta-lactoglobulin)
- Contaminants (pesticides, heavy metals, methanol, ochratoxin A, biogenic amines, glycols, and volatile organic compounds such as toluene, styrene, and xylenes)
- Chromatic features
- Anthocyanins characterization
- Pre-bottling stability test and dosing tests with wine adjuvants
- Assessment of compliance with production specifications
- Certificates of analysis for export
- Specific microbiological analyses (search for lactic and acetic bacteria, plate count of Brettanomyces spp. and qPCR count of B. bruxellensis, yeasts vitality assessment)
- Sediment analysis and characterisation
Moreover, the laboratory performs analyses on other alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages such as spirits and distillates, beers, vinegars, and juices and on products related to the whole production chain, such as cork stoppers and wine products.