Corporate Administrative Responsibility under Legislative Decree 231/01
Tentamus Italia srl and its subsidiaries have adopted their own Organization, Management and Control Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01, aimed at preventing crimes committed in the interest or to the advantage of the Company.
The Organizational Model of Tentamus Italia complements the company's Code of Ethics, with the intention of ensuring that company operations always comply with the principles of ethics and legality.
Each Group Company has appointed a Supervisory Board endowed with autonomous powers of initiative and control, with the task of supervising compliance with the Model and any updating thereof. In all Tentamus Italia Group Companies, the Supervisory Board is constituted in collegial form with the participation of an external member; except in the case of Holding Tentamus Italia srl, which has opted for an external monocratic body.
The implementation of the Model includes an adequate training plan aimed at disseminating knowledge and awareness of Decree DLGS 231/01 and the crimes it covers, the company's Code of Ethics and the Organizational Model implemented by the Group Companies.