ACCREDIA accredited
The Centro Analisi CAIM Laboratory is accredited by ACCREDIA (the only national accreditation body) with n. 0437L certificate in compliance with EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard.
The EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard regulates “General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories”.
“Accreditation certifies the quality level of the analytical activity of a testing laboratory, verifying the compliance of its management system and its competences with internationally recognized regulatory requirements as well as the mandatory legislative requirements”.
The meaning of Accreditation is the declaration by a nationally designated unbiased body of the laboratory's competence to perform accredited tests, through periodic monitoring of compliance with the aforementioned reference standard. Thanks to mutual recognition agreements (MRAs) between national accreditation bodies (ILAC), the accreditation validity overcomes national boundaries and is valid in all signatory countries of ILAC MRA. We inform you that according to Accredia’s General Regulation RG-09 for the use of the mark: “Accredited CABs shall signal to ACCREDIA any improper use of the Mark or logo of which they obtain knowledge.” “The ACCREDIA Mark and any reference to accreditation shall not be placed on a testing sample or a product (or a part of one) or be used to indicate product certification.” and “The ACCREDIA Mark, or any reference to accreditation shall not be used by the clients of accredited laboratories, nor shall they be used in documents concerning the product or on the product.”
Acknowledgments and Authorisations
During years, Centro Analisi CAIM was able to obtain several acknowledgments and authorisations.
We are registered in:
- The list of laboratories performing analyses for self-control procedures of food companies.
- The list of laboratories qualified to perform analyses on samples collected during inspections for Organic Agriculture.
- The list of private laboratories qualified to perform analyses for National salmonella control plans.
- The list of laboratories performing analyses on food products and/or food contact materials (FMC) for export into Japan.
We have been authorised by the MASAF (Ministero dell’Agricoltura, della Sovranità Alimentare e delle Foreste) to issue: